Efficiently compute Felzenszwalb's HOG (FHOG) features. A fast implementation of the HOG variant used by Felzenszwalb et al. in their work on discriminatively trained deformable part models. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~rbg/latent/index.html Gives nearly identical results to features.cc in code release version 5 but runs 4x faster (over 125 fps on VGA color images). The computed HOG features are 3*nOrients+5 dimensional. There are 2*nOrients contrast sensitive orientation channels, nOrients contrast insensitive orientation channels, 4 texture channels and 1 all zeros channel (used as a 'truncation' feature). Using the standard value of nOrients=9 gives a 32 dimensional feature vector at each cell. This variant of HOG, refered to as FHOG, has been shown to achieve superior performance to the original HOG features. For details please refer to work by Felzenszwalb et al. (see link above). This function is essentially a wrapper for calls to gradientMag() and gradientHist(). Specifically, it is equivalent to the following: [M,O] = gradientMag( I,0,0,0,1 ); softBin = -1; useHog = 2; H = gradientHist(M,O,binSize,nOrients,softBin,useHog,clip); See gradientHist() for more general usage. This code requires SSE2 to compile and run (most modern Intel and AMD processors support SSE2). Please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE2. USAGE H = fhog( I, [binSize], [nOrients], [clip], [crop] ) INPUTS I - [hxw] color or grayscale input image (must have type single) binSize - [8] spatial bin size nOrients - [9] number of orientation bins clip - [.2] value at which to clip histogram bins crop - [0] if true crop boundaries OUTPUTS H - [h/binSize w/binSize nOrients*3+5] computed hog features EXAMPLE I=imResample(single(imread('peppers.png'))/255,[480 640]); tic, for i=1:100, H=fhog(I,8,9); end; disp(100/toc) % >125 fps figure(1); im(I); V=hogDraw(H,25,1); figure(2); im(V) EXAMPLE % comparison to features.cc (requires DPM code release version 5) I=imResample(single(imread('peppers.png'))/255,[480 640]); Id=double(I); tic, for i=1:100, H1=features(Id,8); end; disp(100/toc) tic, for i=1:100, H2=fhog(I,8,9,.2,1); end; disp(100/toc) figure(1); montage2(H1); figure(2); montage2(H2); D=abs(H1-H2); mean(D(:)) See also hog, hogDraw, gradientHist Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 3.23 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [pdollar-at-gmail.com] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]