

Pad an image along its four boundaries.


function J = imPad( I, pad, type )


 Pad an image along its four boundaries.

 Similar to Matlab's padarray, with the following differences:
  (1) limited to padding along height and width
  (2) input format allows for separate padding along each dimension
  (3) padding values may be negative, in which case performs *cropping*
  (4) optimized (speedup can be significant, esp. for small arrays)

 The amount of padding along each of the four boundaries (referred to as
 T/B/L/R) is determined by the parameter "pad" as follows:
  if(numel(pad)==1): T=B=L=R=pad
  if(numel(pad)==2): T=B=pad(1), L=R=pad(2)
  if(numel(pad)==4): T=pad(1), B=pad(2), L=pad(3), R=pad(4)

  J = imPad( I, pad, type )

  I      - [hxwxk] input image (single, double or uint8 array)
  pad    - pad or crop amount: 1, 2, or 4 element vector (see above)
  type   - pad value or 'replicate', 'symmetric', 'circular'

  J      - [T+h+B x L+w+R x k] padded image

  I=imread('peppers.png'); pad=[10 20]; type=50;
  tic, J1=imPad(I,pad,type); toc
  tic, J2=padarray(I,pad,type,'both'); toc
  figure(1); im(J1); isequal(J1,J2)

 See also padarray

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 3.00
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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