Train boosted fern regressor. Boosted regression using random ferns as the weak regressor. See "Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine", Friedman, Annals of Statistics 2001, for more details on boosted regression. A few notes on the parameters: 'type' should in general be set to 'res' (the 'ave' version is an undocumented variant that only performs well under limited conditions). 'loss' determines the loss function being optimized, in general the 'L2' version is the most robust and effective. 'reg' is a regularization term for the ferns, a low value such as .01 can improve results. Setting the learning rate 'eta' is crucial in order to achieve good performance, especially on noisy data. In general, eta should decreased as M is increased. Dimensions: M - number ferns R - number repeats S - fern depth N - number samples F - number features USAGE [ferns,ysPr] = fernsRegTrain( data, hs, [varargin] ) INPUTS data - [NxF] N length F feature vectors ys - [Nx1] target output values varargin - additional params (struct or name/value pairs) .type - ['res'] options include {'res','ave'} .loss - ['L2'] options include {'L1','L2','exp'} .S - [2] fern depth (ferns are exponential in S) .M - [50] number ferns (same as number phases) .R - [10] number repetitions per fern .thrr - [0 1] range for randomly generated thresholds .reg - [0.01] fern regularization term in [0,1] .eta - [1] learning rate in [0,1] (not used if type='ave') .verbose - [0] if true output info to display OUTPUTS ferns - learned fern model w the following fields .fids - [MxS] feature ids for each fern for each depth .thrs - [MxS] threshold corresponding to each fid .ysFern - [2^SxM] stored values at fern leaves .loss - loss(ys,ysGt) computes loss of ys relateive to ysGt ysPr - [Nx1] predicted output values EXAMPLE %% generate toy data N=1000; sig=.5; f=@(x) cos(x*pi*4)+(x+1).^2; xs0=rand(N,1); ys0=f(xs0)+randn(N,1)*sig; xs1=rand(N,1); ys1=f(xs1)+randn(N,1)*sig; %% train and apply fern regressor prm=struct('type','res','loss','L2','eta',.05,... 'thrr',[-1 1],'reg',.01,'S',2,'M',1000,'R',3,'verbose',0); tic, [ferns,ysPr0] = fernsRegTrain(xs0,ys0,prm); toc tic, ysPr1 = fernsRegApply( xs1, ferns ); toc fprintf('errors train=%f test=%f\n',... ferns.loss(ysPr0,ys0),ferns.loss(ysPr1,ys1)); %% visualize results figure(1); clf; hold on; plot(xs0,ys0,'.b'); plot(xs0,ysPr0,'.r'); figure(2); clf; hold on; plot(xs1,ys1,'.b'); plot(xs1,ysPr1,'.r'); See also fernsRegApply, fernsInds Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.50 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]