

Test aggregate channel features object detector given ground truth.


function [miss,roc,gt,dt] = acfTest( varargin )


 Test aggregate channel features object detector given ground truth.

  [miss,roc,gt,dt] = acfTest( pTest )

  pTest    - parameters (struct or name/value pairs)
   .name     - ['REQ'] detector name
   .imgDir   - ['REQ'] dir containing test images
   .gtDir    - ['REQ'] dir containing test ground truth
   .pLoad    - [] params for bbGt>bbLoad for test data (see bbGt>bbLoad)
   .pModify  - [] params for acfModify for modifying detector
   .thr      - [.5] threshold on overlap area for comparing two bbs
   .mul      - [0] if true allow multiple matches to each gt
   .reapply  - [0] if true re-apply detector even if bbs already computed
   .ref      - [10.^(-2:.25:0)] reference points (see bbGt>compRoc)
   .lims     - [3.1e-3 1e1 .05 1] plot axis limits
   .show     - [0] optional figure number for display

  miss     - log-average miss rate computed at reference points
  roc      - [nx3] n data points along roc of form [score fp tp]
  gt       - [mx5] ground truth results [x y w h match] (see bbGt>evalRes)
  dt       - [nx6] detect results [x y w h score match] (see bbGt>evalRes)


 See also acfTrain, acfDetect, acfModify, acfDemoInria, bbGt

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 3.40
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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