

Use to see how much image information is preserved in filter outputs.


function I2 = FbReconstruct2d( I, FB, patch )


 Use to see how much image information is preserved in filter outputs.

 Reconstructs the orginal image from filter outputs (approximately). The
 filter output for a patch is given by IFR=F*P where F is the set of
 filters in matrix form, P is the patch and IFR is the filter responses at
 the center of the patch.  We want to recover P from IFR and F, this is
 underconstrained but a solution can be found using least squared.  Note
 that each recovered P will be 0 mean if no mean information is captured
 by the filter outputs.  Can apply to a single patch (interatctively
 specified), or the entire image (by keeping the central pixel from each

  I2 = FbReconstruct2d( I, FB, patch )

  I      - original image
  FB     - FB to apply and do reconstruction with
  patch  - reconstruct just patch or entire image

  I2     - reconstructed image / patch

  load trees; X=imresize(X,.5); load FbDoG.mat;
  I2 = FbReconstruct2d( X, FB, 0 );

 See also FBAPPLY2D

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 2.0
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  [pdollar-at-gmail.com]
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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