Creates a series of locally position dependent histograms. Inspired by David Lowe's SIFT descriptor. Takes I, divides it into a number of regions, and creates a histogram for each region. I is divided into approximately equally sized hyper-rectangular regions so that together these hyper-rectangles cover I. The hyper-rectangles are actually 'soft', in that each region is actually defined by a gaussian mask, for details see maskGaussians. parMask, parameters to maskGaussians, controls details about how the masks are created. Optionally, each value in I may have associated weight given by wtMask, which should have the same exact dimensions as each channel of I. If multCh is set to true, then: I is an [M1xM2x...xMkxnd] array of nd channels otherwise I is an [M1xM2x...xMk] array of 1 channel If nd==1, histcImLoc creates a 1D histogram using histc2. More generally, histcImLoc creates an nd dimensional histogram (again using hist2c). histcImLoc creates nMasks (number of masks) histgorams, each which have dimension nBins^nd. So if nd==1 the output of this function is [nBins x nMasks], and for example if nd==2 the output is [nBins x nBins x nMasks]. If nd is large computing the histograms is time consuming. USAGE h = histcImLoc( I, edges, parMask, [wtMask], [multCh] ) INPUTS I - M1xM2x...xMkxnd array, (nd channels each of M1xM2x...xMk) edges - quantization bounds, see histc2 parMask - cell of parameters to maskGaussians wtMask - [] M1xM2x...xMk numeric array of weights multCh - [0] if 1 last dimension of I is number of channels OUTPUTS h - nd-histograms [nBins^nd x nMasks] EXAMPLE - multCh==0 I = filterGauss([100 100],[],[],0); h = histcImLoc(I,10,{2,.6,.1,1},[],0); figure(1); im(h) EXAMPLE - multCh==1 I = filterGauss([100 100],[],[],0); h1 = histcImLoc( cat(3,I,I), 10, {2,.6,.1,0},[],1); h2 = histcImLoc( cat(3,I,randn(size(I))),10,{2,.6,.1,0},[],1); figure(1); montage2(h1); figure(2); montage2(h2); See also HISTC2, MASKGAUSSIANS, ASSIGNTOBINS, HISTCIMWIN Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.0 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]