Various ways to normalize a (multidimensional) image. X may have arbitrary dimension (ie an image or video, etc). X is treated as a vector of pixel values. Hence, the mean of X is the average pixel value, and likewise the standard deviation is the std of the pixels from the mean pixel. USAGE X = imNormalize( X, flag ) INPUTS X - n dimensional array to standardize flag - [1] determines normalization procedure. Sets X to: 1: have zero mean and unit variance 2: range in [0,1] 3: have zero mean 4: have zero mean and unit magnitude 5: zero mean/unit variance, throws out extreme values and also normalizes to [0,1] OUTPUTS X - X after normalization. EXAMPLE I = double(imread('cameraman.tif')); N = imNormalize(I,1); [mean(I(:)), std(I(:)), mean(N(:)), std(N(:))] See also FEVALARRAYS Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.0 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]