

Create a draggable, resizable, rotatable rectangle or ellipse.


function [hPatch,api] = imRectRot( varargin )


 Create a draggable, resizable, rotatable rectangle or ellipse.

 The 'ellipse' param determines if the displayed object is a rectangle or
 ellipse. The object is identical in both cases, only the display changes.
 The created object may be queried or controlled programatically by using
 the returned api.

 The 'rotate' param determines overall behavior of the created object. If
 rotate=0, the resulting object (rect or ellipse) is axis aligned. In
 terms of the graphical interface it is identical to Matlab's imrect (can
 drag by clicking in interior or resize by clicking on edges), although it
 is much less cpu intensive. If rotate>0, the resulting object is
 rotatable. In addition to the interface for a non-rotatable object, four
 control points are present, one at the center of each edge. Three of
 these have color given by the 'color' flag, the last has color 'colorc'.
 The odd colored control point is used to display orientation. Dragging
 this control point or the one opposite changes orientation, dragging the
 remaining two resizes the object symmetrically. Finally, when creating a
 rotatable object, the first drag determines the major axes (height) of
 the object, with the width set to height*rotate (hence the rotate param
 also determines aspect ratio of newly created objects). Using this
 control scheme, an object can be naturally specified with two drags: the
 first is used to draw the major axes, the second to adjust the width.

 Position is represented by [x y w h theta], where [x,y] give the top/left
 corner of the rect PRIOR to rotation, [w,h] are the width and height, and
 theta is the angle in degrees. The final rect is given by first placing
 the rect at [x,y], then rotating it by theta around it's center. The
 advantage of this is that if theta=0, the first four elements are
 identical to the standard rect representation. The disadvantage is that
 [x,y] need not lie in the interior of the rect after rotation.

  [h,api] = imRectRot( varargin )

  varargin   - parameters (struct or name/value pairs)
   .hParent    - [gca] object parent, typically an axes object
   .ellipse    - [0] if true display ellipse otherwise display rectangle
   .rotate     - [1] determines if object is axis aligned
   .pos        - [] initial pos vector [x y w h theta] or [] or [x y]
   .lims       - [] rectangle defining valid region for object placement
   .showLims   - [0] draw rectangle representing lims
   .color      - ['g'] color for the displayed object
   .colorc     - ['b'] color for the control point displaying orientation
   .lw         - [2] 'LineWidth' property for the displayed object
   .ls         - ['-'] 'LineStyle' property for the displayed object
   .cross      - [0] if 1 show diagonal, if 2 show cross

  h          - handle used to delete object
  api        - interface allowing access to created object
  .getPos()       - get position - returns 5 elt pos
  .setPos(pos)    - set position (while respecting constraints)
  .setPosLock(b)  - if lock set (b==true), object cannot change
  .setSizLock(b)  - if lock set (b==true), object cannot change size
  .setDrgLock(b)  - if lock set (b==true), object cannot be dragged
  .setSidLock(lk) - [4x1] set locks for each side (tp/rt/bt/lf)
  .setPosChnCb(f) - whenever pos changes (even slightly), calls f(pos)
  .setPosSetCb(f) - whenever pos finished changing, calls f(pos)
  .uistack(...)   - calls 'uistack( [objectHandles], ... )', see uistack
  .setStyle(...)  - set line style (ls), width (lw), color and colorc

 EXAMPLE - interactively place simple axis aligned rectangle
  figure(1), imshow peppers.png;
  api.setPosChnCb( @(pos) disp(num2str(pos)) );

 EXAMPLE - create rotatable ellpise that falls inside image
  figure(1); I=imread('cameraman.tif'); imshow(I); siz=size(I);
  [h,api]=imRectRot('pos',[60 60 40 40 45],'lims',[1 1 siz(1:2)-2 0],...
    'showLims',1,'ellipse',1,'rotate',1,'color','w','colorc','y'  );
  api.setPosSetCb( @(pos) disp(num2str(pos)) );


 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 2.51
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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