Applies a linear or nonlinear transformation to an image I. Takes the center of the image as the origin, not the top left corner. Also, the coordinate system is row/column format, so H must be also. The bounding box of the image is set by the BBOX argument, a string that can be 'loose' (default) or 'crop'. When BBOX is 'loose', J includes the whole transformed image, which generally is larger than I. When BBOX is 'crop' J is cropped to include only the central portion of the transformed image and is the same size as I. The 'loose' flag is currently inexact (because of some padding/cropping). Preserves I's type. USAGE J = imtransform2( I, H, varargin ) INPUTS - common I - input image [converted to double] H - 3x3 nonsingular homography matrix varargin - additional params (struct or name/value pairs) .method - ['linear'] 'nearest', 'spline', 'cubic' (for interp2) .bbox - ['crop'] or 'loose' .show - [0] figure to use for optional display .pad - [0] padding value (scalar, 'replicate' or 'none') .useCache - [0] optionally cache precomp. for given transform/dims. .us - [] can specify source r/c for each target (instead of H) .vs - [] can specify source r/c for each target (instead of H) OUTPUTS J - transformed image EXAMPLE - rigid transformation (rotation + translation) I=imread('peppers.png'); R = rotationMatrix(pi/4); T=[1; 3]; H=[R T; 0 0 1]; J = imtransform2(I,H,'show',1,'pad','replicate'); EXAMPLE - general homography (out of plane rotation) load trees; I=X; S=eye(3); S([1 5])=1/500; % zoom out 500 pixels H=S^-1*rotationMatrix([0 1 0],pi/4)*S; J = imtransform2(I,H,'bbox','loose','show',1); EXAMPLE - rotation using three approaches (and timing) load trees; I=imResample(X,4); angle=35; method='bilinear'; % (1) rotate using imrotate (slow) tic; J1 = imrotate(I,angle,method,'crop'); toc % (2) rotate using a homography matrix R=rotationMatrix(angle/180*pi); H=[R [0; 0]; 0 0 1]; tic; J2 = imtransform2(I,H,'bbox','crop','method',method); toc % (3) rotate by explicitly specifying target rs/cs m=size(I,1)+4; n=size(I,2)+4; m2=(m-1)/2; n2=(n-1)/2; [cs,rs]=meshgrid(-n2:n2,-m2:m2); vs=R*[cs(:) rs(:)]'; us=reshape(vs(2,:),m,n)-rs; vs=reshape(vs(1,:),m,n)-cs; tic, J3=imtransform2(I,[],'us',us,'vs',vs,'method',method); toc % compare all results figure(1); clf; subplot(3,2,1); im(I); subplot(3,2,2); im(J1); subplot(3,2,3); im(J2); subplot(3,2,4); im(abs(J1-J2)); title('J1-J2') subplot(3,2,5); im(J3); subplot(3,2,6); im(abs(J2-J3)); title('J2-J3') See also TEXTUREMAP, INTERP2 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 3.01 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]