Similar to imwrite, except follows a strict naming convention. Wrapper for imwrite that writes file to the filename: fName = [path name int2str2(i,nDigits) '.' ext]; Using imwrite: imwrite( I, fName, writePrms ) If I represents a stack of images, the ith image is written to: fNamei = [path name int2str2(i+imagei-1,nDigits) '.' ext]; If I=[], then imwrite2 will attempt to read images from disk instead. If dir spec. by 'path' does not exist, imwrite2 attempts to create it. mulFlag controls how I is interpreted. If mulFlag==0, then I is intrepreted as a single image, otherwise I is interpreted as a stack of images, where I(:,:,...,j) represents the jth image (see fevalArrays for more info). If nSplits>1, writes/reads images into/from multiple directories. This is useful since certain OS handle very large directories (of say >20K images) rather poorly (I'm talking to you Bill). Thus, can take 100K images, and write into 5 separate dirs, then read them back in. USAGE I = imwrite2( I, mulFlag, imagei, path, ... [name], [ext], [nDigits], [nSplits], [spliti], [varargin] ) INPUTS I - image or array or cell of images (if [] reads else writes) mulFlag - set to 1 if I represents a stack of images imagei - first image number path - directory where images are name - ['I'] base name of images ext - ['png'] extension of image nDigits - [5] number of digits for filename index nSplits - [1] number of dirs to break data into spliti - [0] first split (dir) number writePrms - [varargin] parameters to imwrite OUTPUTS I - image or images (read from disk if input I=[]) EXAMPLE load images; I=images(:,:,1:10); clear IDXi IDXv t video videos images; imwrite2( I(:,:,1), 0, 0, 'rats/', 'rats', 'png', 5 ); % write 1 imwrite2( I, 1, 0, 'rats/', 'rats', 'png', 5 ); % write 5 I2 = imwrite2( [], 1, 0, 'rats/', 'rats', 'png', 5 ); % read 5 I3 = fevalImages(@(x) x,{},'rats/','rats','png',0,4,5); % read 5 EXAMPLE - multiple splits load images; I=images(:,:,1:10); clear IDXi IDXv t video videos images; imwrite2( I, 1, 0, 'rats', 'rats', 'png', 5, 2, 0 ); % write 10 I2=imwrite2( [], 1, 0, 'rats', 'rats', 'png', 5, 2, 0 ); % read 10 See also FEVALIMAGES, FEVALARRAYS Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.30 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]