Matrix multiply each submatrix of two 3D arrays without looping. type controls the matrix multiplication to perform (for each i): 1 - C(:,:,i) = A(:,:,i)*B(:,:) 1.1 - C(i,:,:) = A(:,:,i)*B(:,:) 1.2 - C(:,:,i) = A(:,:)*B(:,:,i) 2 - C(:,:,i) = A(:,:,i)*B(:,:,i) 2.1 - C(:,:,i) = A(:,:,i)'*B(:,:,i) 2.2 - C(:,:,i) = A(:,:,i)*B(:,:,i)' 3 - C(:,i) = A(:,:,i)*B(:,i) 3.1 - C(:,i) = A(:,:,i)'*B(:,i) 3.2 - C(:,i) = A(:,i)'*B(:,:,i) 4.1 - C(i) = trace(A(:,:,i)'*B(:,:,i)) Corresponding dimensions of A and B must match appropriately. USAGE C = multiTimes( A, B, type ) INPUTS A - [ma x na x oa] matrix B - [mb x nb x ob] matrix type - multiplication type (see above) OUTPUTS C - result of the multiplication EXAMPLE n=10000; A=randn(2,2,n); B=randn(2); tic, C1=multiTimes(A,B,1); toc tic, C2=zeros(size(A)); for i=1:n, C2(:,:,i)=A(:,:,i)*B; end; toc See also BSXFUN, MTIMES Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.52 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]