Wrapper for text.m that ensures displayed text fits in figure. When text is called, Matlab displays the text, but does nothing to ensure that all of the text fits in the figure. This function, after calling text, shrinks the axes until the text is fully visible. Note that since font doesn't resize as the figure does, just because the text fully fits after text2 is called, no guaranties are made after the figure is resized. Hence it is a good idea to resize the figure appropriately before calling text2. Same input/output options as Matlab's text.m command. USAGE varargout = text2( varargin ) INPUTS varargin - input to Matlab's text OUTPUTS varargout - output to Matlab's text EXAMPLE figure(1); clf; text( -1 , 2, 'hello world' ) % will not appear figure(2); clf; text2( -1 , 2, 'hello world' ) % will appear See also TEXT, IMLABEL Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.0 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [pdollar-at-gmail.com] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]