

Retrieve and manipulate behavior annotation of a video.


function A = behaviorData( action, fName, nFrame1 )


 Retrieve and manipulate behavior annotation of a video.

 Overview: A behavior annotation assigns every frame of a video to one of
 k behaviors. Each consecutive set of frames is a single behavior
 instance, the video is divided into n such behavior instances each with
 its own type. Such a delineation is considered a single stream. To allow
 labeling of overlapping behaviors or simultaneous labeling of behaviors
 for multiple subjects, multiple streams can be used.

 Construction: Calling behaviorData(action,fName,nFrame) creates or loads
 an object A that is used to represent a behavior annotation. The 'action'
 flag controls whether to 'load' a previously saved annotation or to
 'create' a new annotation. If constructing a new annotation, two
 parameters control the annotation created: a configuration file (fName)
 with the number of streams to use and the behavior list (see below) and
 the number of frames in the video (nFrame). If loading a new annotation,
 fName should point to the name of a previously saved annotation (with
 either a .bAnn or .txt extension), nFrame is not needed. The .txt format
 may be preferred as it is human readable (although slightly larger file
 sizes may result). After creation, A is manipulated using object oriented
 syntax, for example A.nFrame() returns the number of frames of the
 underlying video (more details below).

 Config file: should be a text file listing possible behavior types along
 with a single character for each that will serve as a shortcut key. The
 first line should be "nStream [val]" where [val] is the number of
 annotation streams. Each following line should be the behavior name
 followed by a character representing the key. Additionally, the first
 behavior serves as the default behavior initially assigned to the entire
 video, and should be named accordingly. Below is an example config file:
   nStream 2
   other o
   eating e
   grooming g
   drinking d
   sleeping s

 Representation: An annotation of a single stream can be represented as
 n+1 boundaries (bnds) delineating the starts of each behavior, with the
 last bnd being the number of frames, and n integer types representing the
 type of each behavior. For example, bnds=[0 100 nFrame] and types=[1 2]
 would indicate frames 0-99 have type 1 and 100-(nFrame-1) have type 2.
 Each type must have value in 1 to k, and the associated behavior name of
 each type can be retrieved from a string cell array containing the k
 names. Note that consecutive behaviors of the same type are merged.

 Save, recreate, merge:
  save(fName)        - save to file (.bAnn or .txt)
  recreate(cName)    - specify new configuration file
  merge(fName)       - load second annotation, merge streams

 Inspect (always inspect current stream):
  n1 = n()           - number of behavior instances
  k1 = k()           - number of behavior types
  nFrame1 = nFrame() - number of frames in underlying video
  nStrm1 = nStrm()   - number of annotation streams
  types = getTypes() - length n vector of integer types
  bnds = getBnds()   - length n+1 vector of frame boundaries
  names = getNames() - length k cell vector of behavior names
  keys = getKeys()   - length k char vector of key shortcuts
  type = getType(id) - type of behavior for id-th instance
  name = getName(id) - name of behavior for id-th instance
  frm = getStart(id) - start frame for id-th instance
  frm = getEnd(id)   - end frame for id-th instance
  id = getId(frm)    - id of behavior at given frame (1<=id<=n)
  ids = getIds(type) - all ids for behavior of given type
  lbl = getLbls()    - get per frame labeling - [1 x nFrame]

 Alter (always alter current stream):
  setStrm(strm)      - set current stream
  setType(id,type)   - change type of given behavior
  move(id,frame)     - move behavior start (must remain between prev/next)
  add(type, frame)   - add behavior with start at given frame
  delete(id)         - delete behavior by extending prev behavior
  crop(fr0,fr1)      - crop annotation to given range
  insert(frs)        - extend annotation by inserting frames
  setLbls(lbl)       - set per frame labeling - [1 x nFrame]

  A = behaviorData( action, fName, nFrame )

  action   - 'load' or 'create'
  fName    - location of annotation or config file
  nFrame   - number of frames if creating video

  A        - annotation structure


 See also behaviorAnnotator

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 2.60
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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