

Fast and robust estimation of homography relating two images.


function [H,Ip] = imagesAlign( I, Iref, varargin )


 Fast and robust estimation of homography relating two images.

 The algorithm for image alignment is a simple but effective variant of
 the inverse compositional algorithm. For a thorough overview, see:
   "Lucas-kanade 20 years on A unifying framework,"
   S. Baker and I. Matthews. IJCV 2004.
 The implementation is optimized and can easily run at 20-30 fps.
 type may take on the following values:
  'translation'  - translation only
  'rigid'        - translation and rotation
  'similarity'   - translation, rotation and scale
  'affine'       - 6 parameter affine transform
  'rotation'     - pure rotation (about x, y and z)
  'projective'   - full 8 parameter homography
 Alternatively, type may be a vector of ids between 1 and 8, specifying
 exactly the types of transforms allowed. The ids correspond, to: 1:
 translate-x, 2: translate-y, 3: uniform scale, 4: shear, 5: non-uniform
 scale, 6: rotate-z, 7: rotate-x, 8: rotate-y. For example, to specify
 translation use type=[1,2]. If the transforms don't form a group, the
 returned homography may have more degrees of freedom than expected.

 Parameters (in rough order of importance): [resample] controls image
 downsampling prior to computing H. Runtime is proportional to area, so
 using resample<1 can dramatically speed up alignment, and in general not
 degrade performance much. [sig] controls image smoothing, sig=2 gives
 good performance, setting sig too low causes loss of information and too
 high will violate the linearity assumption. [epsilon] defines the
 stopping criteria, use to adjust performance versus speed tradeoff.
 [lambda] is a regularization term that causes small transforms to be
 favored, in general any small non-zero setting of lambda works well.
 [outThr] is a threshold beyond which pixels are considered outliers, be
 careful not to set too low. [minArea] determines coarsest scale beyond
 which the image is not downsampled (should not be set too low). [H0] can
 be used to specify an initial alignment. Use [show] to display results.

  [H,Ip] = imagesAlign( I, Iref, varargin )

  I          - transformed version of I
  Iref       - reference grayscale double image
  varargin   - additional params (struct or name/value pairs)
   .type       - ['projective'] see above for options
   .resample   - [1] image resampling prior to homography estimation
   .sig        - [2] amount of Gaussian spatial smoothing to apply
   .epsilon    - [1e-3] stopping criteria (min change in error)
   .lambda     - [1e-6] regularization term favoring small transforms
   .outThr     - [inf] outlier threshold
   .minArea    - [4096] minimum image area in coarse to fine search
   .H0         - [eye(3)] optional initial homography estimate
   .show       - [0] optionally display results in figure show

  H        - estimated homography to transform I into Iref
  Ip       - tranformed version of I (slow to compute)

  Iref = double(imread('cameraman.tif'))/255;
  H0 = [eye(2)+randn(2)*.1 randn(2,1)*10; randn(1,2)*1e-3 1];
  I = imtransform2(Iref,H0^-1,'pad','replicate');
  o=50; P=ones(o)*1; I(150:149+o,150:149+o)=P;
  tic, for i=1:30, H=imagesAlign(I,Iref,prmAlign{:},0); end;
  t=toc; fprintf('average fps: %f\n',30/t)

 See also imTransform2

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 2.61
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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