

Coarse-to-fine optical flow using Lucas&Kanade or Horn&Schunck.


function [Vx,Vy,reliab] = opticalFlow( I1, I2, varargin )


 Coarse-to-fine optical flow using Lucas&Kanade or Horn&Schunck.

 Implemented 'type' of optical flow estimation:
  LK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucas-Kanade_method
  HS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horn-Schunck_method
  SD: Simple block-based sum of absolute differences flow
 LK is a local, fast method (the implementation is fully vectorized).
 HS is a global, slower method (an SSE implementation is provided).
 SD is a simple but potentially expensive approach.

 Common parameters: 'smooth' determines smoothing prior to computing flow
 and can make flow estimation more robust. 'filt' determines amount of
 median filtering of the computed flow field which improves results but is
 costly. 'minScale' and 'maxScale' control image scales in the pyramid.
 Setting 'maxScale'<1 results in faster but lower quality results, e.g.
 maxScale=.5 makes flow computation about 4x faster. Method specific
 parameters: 'radius' controls window size (and smoothness of flow) for LK
 and SD. 'nBlock' determines number of blocks tested in each direction for
 SD, computation time is O(nBlock^2). For HS, 'alpha' controls tradeoff
 between data and smoothness term (and smoothness of flow) and 'nIter'
 determines number of gradient decent steps.

  [Vx,Vy,reliab] = opticalFlow( I1, I2, pFlow )

  I1, I2   - input images to calculate flow between
  pFlow    - parameters (struct or name/value pairs)
   .type       - ['LK'] may be 'LK', 'HS' or 'SD'
   .smooth     - [1] smoothing radius for triangle filter (may be 0)
   .filt       - [0] median filtering radius for smoothing flow field
   .minScale   - [1/64] minimum pyramid scale (must be a power of 2)
   .maxScale   - [1] maximum pyramid scale (must be a power of 2)
   .radius     - [10] integration radius for weighted window [LK/SD only]
   .nBlock     - [5] number of tested blocks [SD only]
   .alpha      - [1] smoothness constraint [HS only]
   .nIter      - [250] number of iterations [HS only]

  Vx, Vy   - x,y components of flow  [Vx>0->right, Vy>0->down]
  reliab   - reliability of flow in given window

 EXAMPLE - compute LK flow on test images
  load opticalFlowTest;
  figure(1); im(I1); figure(2); im(I2);
  figure(3); im([Vx Vy]); colormap jet;

 EXAMPLE - rectify I1 to I2 using computed flow
  load opticalFlowTest;
  figure(1); im(I1); figure(2); im(I2);

 EXAMPLE - compare LK/HS/SD flows
  load opticalFlowTest;
  tic, [Vx1,Vy1]=opticalFlow(I1,I2,prm{:},'LK'); toc
  tic, [Vx2,Vy2]=opticalFlow(I1,I2,prm{:},'HS'); toc
  tic, [Vx3,Vy3]=opticalFlow(I1,I2,prm{:},'SD','minScale',1); toc
  figure(1); im([Vx1 Vy1; Vx2 Vy2; Vx3 Vy3]); colormap jet;

 See also convTri, imtransform2, medfilt2

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 3.50
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  [pdollar-at-gmail.com]
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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