

Compute gradient magnitude and orientation at each image location.


function [M,O] = gradientMag( I, channel, normRad, normConst, full )


 Compute gradient magnitude and orientation at each image location.

 If input image has k>1 channels and channel=0, keeps gradient with
 maximum magnitude (over all channels) at each location. Otherwise if
 channel is between 1 and k computes gradient for the given channel.
 If full==1 orientation is computed in [0,2*pi) else it is in [0,pi).

 If normRad>0, normalization is performed by first computing S, a smoothed
 version of the gradient magnitude, then setting: M = M./(S + normConst).
 S is computed by S = convTri( M, normRad ).

 This code requires SSE2 to compile and run (most modern Intel and AMD
 processors support SSE2). Please see:

  [M,O] = gradientMag( I, [channel], [normRad], [normConst], [full] )

  I          - [hxwxk] input k channel single image
  channel    - [0] if>0 color channel to use for gradient computation
  normRad    - [0] normalization radius (no normalization if 0)
  normConst  - [.005] normalization constant
  full       - [0] if true compute angles in [0,2*pi) else in [0,pi)

  M          - [hxw] gradient magnitude at each location
  O          - [hxw] approximate gradient orientation modulo PI

  [Gx,Gy]=gradient2(I); M=sqrt(Gx.^2+Gy.^2); O=atan2(Gy,Gx);
  full=0; [M1,O1]=gradientMag(I,0,0,0,full);
  D=abs(M-M1); mean2(D), if(full), o=pi*2; else o=pi; end
  D=abs(O-O1); D(~M)=0; D(D>o*.99)=o-D(D>o*.99); mean2(abs(D))

 See also gradient, gradient2, gradientHist, convTri

 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 3.23
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar & Ron Appel.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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