Shows/makes an/several movie(s) from an image sequence. To play a matlab movie file, as an alternative to movie, use: playMovie(movieToImages(M)); The images to display are stacked in a higher dimensional array. MxNxCxTxRxS, where: M - height N - width C - number of channels, nothing, 1 or 3 T - number of videos R - number of cases S - number of sets USAGE playMovie( I, [fps], [loop], [prm] ) INPUTS I - MxNxTxRxS or MxNx1xTxRxS or MxNx3xTxRxS or cell array where each element is a MxNxTxR or MxNx1xTxR or MxNx3xTxR (R ans S can equal 1) fps - [100] maximum number of frames to display per second use fps==0 to introduce no pause and have the movie play as fast as possible loop - [0] number of time to loop video (may be inf), if neg plays video forward then backward then forward etc. prm - [] parameters to use calling montage2 OUTPUTS EXAMPLE - [MxNxT] 1 video load( 'images.mat' ); playMovie( video, [], -50 ); EXAMPLE - [MxNx3xT] 1 video load( 'images.mat' ); video3=repmat(permute(video,[1 2 4 3]),[1 1 3 1]); playMovie( video3, [], -50, struct('hasChn',true)); EXAMPLE - [MxNxTxR] many videos at same time load( 'images.mat' ); playMovie( videos, [], 5 ); EXAMPLE - [MxNxTxRxS] show groups of videos in 2 ways load( 'images.mat' ); IC = clusterMontage( videos, IDXv, 9, 1 ); clf; M = playMovie( IC ); prm = struct('perRow',1,'padAmt',4,'showLines',0,'nn',1); clf; M = playMovie( IC, [], 5, prm ); EXAMPLE - {S}[MxNxTxR] show groups of videos given in a cell load( 'images.mat' ); IC = clusterMontage( videos, IDXv, 9, 1 ); ICcell = squeeze(mat2cell2( IC, [1 1 1 1 9] )); clf; M = playMovie( ICcell, [], 5, struct('showLines',0) ); See also MONTAGE2, MOVIETOIMAGES, MOVIE Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.0 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]