



This is a script file.


 See also

 Interface to descriptors for patches and cuboids.
   imagedesc          - Runs descriptor on a set of images, optionally jitters, and optionally applies PCA.
   imagedesc_generate - Generate parameters for image or cuboid descriptor.
   imagedesc_demo     - Demo to show how imagedesc works.

 Descriptors for images and cuboids.
   descpatch_GRAD     - Patch descriptor based on histogrammed gradient [Lowe's SIFT descriptor].
   descpatch_FB       - Patch descriptor based on histogrammed filter responses.
   desccuboid_APR     - Cuboid descriptor based on histogrammed brightness values.
   desccuboid_FLOW    - Cuboid descriptor based on histogrammed optical flow.
   desccuboid_GRAD    - Cuboid descriptor based on histogrammed gradient.
   desccuboid_IMDESC  - Cuboid descriptor based on a concatentation of the types of frames present.
   desccuboid_WW      - Cuboid descriptor that is a combination of 'who' doing 'what'.

 Helper functions to descriptors.
   imagedesc_getpca   - Runs descriptor on a subset of cuboids or images to get PCA coefficients.
   imagedesc2clusters - Assignment of descriptors to clusters.
   imagedesc_ch2desc  - Helper, converts descriptor in array format to vector or histogram.

 Add jitter to descriptors and distance measures.
   jitter_dist        - Calculates the minumum distance between two sets of possibly 'jittered' feature vectors.
   jitter_kmeans      - Version of kmeans that allows for jittered vectors.
   jitter_rectify     - Post processing for jitter_kmeans.


This function calls: This function is called by:
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