

Used for visualization of clusters of images and videos.


function IC = clusterMontage( I, IDX, nElem, pad )


 Used for visualization of clusters of images and videos.

 Organizes the matrix I, which is either MxNxR for images or MxNxTxR for
 videos, into a [M x N x T x nElem x nCluster] array IC, where each
 element IC(:,:,:,:,i) is the set of objects belonging to cluster i.
 If not all clusters have the same size, if pad==1 blank elements are
 added to pad the clusters so they do in fact have the same size, and if
 pad is 0 then IC is a cell vector where IC{i} is the set of objects
 belonging to cluster i.

 To display only a subset of clusters, given in a vector cs, use IDXb:
  IDXb = zeros(size(IDX)); for i=1:length(cs) IDXb(IDX==cs(i))=i; end;

  IC = clusterMontage( I, IDX, nElem, [pad] )

  I       - MxNxR array of images or MxNxTxR array of videos
  IDX     - cluster membership (Rx1 integer vector) [see kmeans2.m]
  nElem   - max number of instances to show of each cluster
  pad     - [1] pads each cluster w blanks so it has exactly nElem

  IC      - if pad==1  [M x N x T x nElem x nCluster] array
          - if pad==0  nCluster cell of [M x N x T x nElem_i] arrays

 EXAMPLE - images
  load( 'images.mat' );
  keep=randSample(144,80); IDXi=IDXi(keep); images=images(:,:,keep);
  IC = clusterMontage( images, IDXi, 9, 0 );
  figure(1); montage2( IC )

 EXAMPLE - videos
  load( 'images.mat' );
  IC = clusterMontage( videos, IDXv, 9, 0 );
  figure(1); playMovie( IC )


 Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox      Version 2.0
 Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar.  []
 Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt]

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